
Here are many codes and numbers for different colors in Minecraft!

Scroll down for decimal numbers and other useful command colors!

Color & Formatting Codes

black: §0

dark_blue: §1

dark_green: §2

dark_aqua: §3

dark_red: §4

dark_purple: §5

gold: §6

gray: §7

dark_gray: §8

blue: §9

green: §a

aqua: §b

red: §c

light_purple: §d

yellow: §e

white: §f

Obfuscated (Changing Text): §k

Bold: §l

Strikethrough: §m

Underline: §n

Italic: §o

Reset (White): §r

Decimal Number Codes

If you need a more specific color, the formula for RGB to Decimal is B * 65536 + G * 256 + R

Red: 16711680

Orange: 16753920

Yellow: 16776960

Lime: 65280

Green: 32768

Cyan: 65535

Light Blue: 8900346

Blue: 255

Purple: 90571007

Magenta: 16711935

Pink: 16744447

White: 16777215

Light Gray: 14474460

Gray: 8421504

Black: 0

Brown: 6697728

Banner Pattern Color IDs

White: 0

Orange: 1

Magenta: 2

Light Blue: 3

Yellow: 4

Lime: 5

Pink: 6

Gray: 7

Light Gray: 8

Cyan: 9

Purple: 10

Blue: 11

Brown: 12

Green: 13

Red: 14

Black: 15